Steel Joist Inventory Appraisals

Steel Roofing Joist Inventory AppraisalsM&E Appraisal Associates, Inc. (M&EAA) is an experienced provider of steel joist inventory appraisals. M&EAA recently appraised the inventory of a steel joist and decking manufacturer.

The finished goods inventory included small to wide span steel roofing joists and steel decking, for use in commercial and industrial construction projects. Raw materials included hot and cold rolled steel coils, structural steel angles, structural steel bars, structural steel channels, steel mesh, and other items related primarily to the steel joist manufacturing process.

Appraisal conclusions: the inventory was appraised under the Orderly Liquidation Value scenario for asset based lending considerations. The value concluded for the Finished Goods category was very favorable, as all joists and decking are manufactured specifically to customer order. Values concluded for Raw Materials was also favorable, as all/most of the coil steel and structural steel are of standard grades, materials, sizes, lengths, etc. which are desirable and readily usable by other industrial manufacturers, after appropriate discounting. Value for Work In Process was concluded as scrap value. 

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