Mail & Parcel Service Equipment Appraisals

M&E Appraisal Associates, Inc. (“M&EAA”) provide certified mail & parcel service equipment appraisals. M&EAA recently appraised the machinery & equipment of a high volume mailing services provider.

The subject machinery & equipment appraised included mail inserters, mail sorters, ink jet marking & tabbing equipment, folders, printing presses, envelope printers, computer equipment, forklifts, and other related warehouse & support equipment.

Appraisal conclusions: the subject higher value machinery & equipment includes inserters which fill the mailers and sorters which imprints and sorts the filled mailer based on various reporting, tracking, coding, zoning and other requirements. All sorters are state of the art, high volume machines capable of sorting 25,000 to 40,000 pieces per hour, which is necessary to satisfy demanding customer mailing requirements. Original equipment manufacturing sources indicate that the subject items are considered to be state of the art, and directly comparable to machinery & equipment being built today. This is of particular importance for the high volume sorters, where the load end computers, cameras, bar code readers, etc. direct the reporting, imprinting, tracking and other features of the sorter. Based on information provided by the oem’s sources, very favorable values were concluded by the appraiser.

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