Pharmaceuticals Production Equipment Appraisals

M&E Appraisal Associates, Inc. (M&EAA) provides certified pharmaceuticals production equipment appraisals. The principal of M&EAA, Inc. recently appraised the machinery & equipment of a pharmaceuticals production facility.

The subject machinery & equipment appraised included chemical reactors, filter dryers, vacuum tray dryers, high containment production equipment, milling & blending equipment, r & d laboratory equipment, large scale chromatography equipment, material handling equipment, and general plant & support items.

Appraisal Conclusions: The subject machinery & equipment was generally newer and had high concluded value. Heavily installed machinery & equipment in particular had high In-Place value. This category of equipment inherently has lower value in removal. The market for used chemical and pharmaceutical processing equipment is improving. The market for high tech lab equipment in particular was strong.

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