Paving Contractor Machinery Appraisals

M&E Appraisal Associates, Inc. (“M&EAA”) has over 25 years experience providing paving contractor machinery appraisals.

M&EAA recently appraised the machinery & equipment of a asphalt paving contractor.

The primary asphalt paving machinery & equipment included: skid steer loaders; rollers; pavers; planers & planer attachments; milling machines; dump trucks; trucks; truck tractors; trailers, etc.

Domestic demand for asphalt is anticipated to rise in the near term future. Asphalt demand in highway and street applications will yield strong gains based on growth in government funding and rising highway and street construction activity.

The subject machinery & equipment was observed in good condition was frequently maintained. Many of the subject items had been upgraded over the years.

An optimistic economic outlook, the good condition of the subject items as well as their strong secondary market appeal resulted in favorable value conclusions by the appraiser.

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